Abstract submissions
Open March 1, 2024
Closing June 9, 2024
Late abstracts can be submitted after this date (until August 1), but will not be considered for selected talks.
Update: we have reached the maximum number of abstracts so submission is no longer possible.
Instructions for abstract preparation
A participant may present more than one abstract. The template for abstract submission can be downloaded here. Please fill in, save as pdf (lastname_firstname_abstract.pdf) and upload.
Important: abstracts and travel grant requests can only be uploaded during the registration process.
Please indicate if you would like your abstract to be considered for an oral presentation and which session your abstract would fit in best. As we will preferably select abstracts to be presented from early-stage investigators (i.e. grad students & post-docs), please indicate your career stage and the year of (planned) PhD defense.
Any question regarding abstracts can be directed to congresscenter@lmu.de.